A Senior Pharma Consultant turned Functional Medicine Rebel - who’s dedicated her life’s mission to the science of creating health

Amal runs a global virtual functional medicine practice that combines cutting-edge lifestyle medicine, biochemistry research and behavioural psychology to alter the whole system at the root cause of illness, promote healing and drive lasting change.


Functional Medicine

  • Functional Medicine.

    Online 1:1 consultations

    Amal’s 1:1 programme is designed for patients dealing with more significant chronic health challenges. It's an immersive experience working with her caring team to provide a personalised plan, a partnership, and a promise to get to the root cause so you can restore your health.

    Step One: Schedule a free Health Strategy Call with Amal, so she can get to know you and together you can talk about your health history.

    Step Two: Get blood work done locally and Amal will send you a series of short functional tests you can do at home, so you know exactly what is happening within your body.

    Step Three: Amal will devise a personalised health plan for you, and show you how to reclaim your health and happiness, step by step.

    Step Four: Amal will help you stay on track with 7 one-on-one coaching calls throughout your journey.

    Online Group Programme: Rethink, Rewire, Reset

    This 10 week guided personal transformation programme is designed to shift your body into a parasympathetic state, the only state from which we can heal.

    Reduce inflammation, correct your circadian rhythm, improve sleep, optimise digestion, reduce toxic load, release excess weight, boost energy, balance hormones, strengthen your bones and muscles... and truly love yourself back to a vibrant, healthy life.

    This 10 week guided personal transformation programme is designed to shift your body into a parasympathetic state, the only state from which we can heal.

    Programme includes:

    3 x 30 mins metabolic consultations with Amal: To troubleshoot and answer any questions to best support you throughout your journey

    Curated welcome pack that includes all the tools needed to help you succeed

    Live Weekly Q&A with Amal

    Direct Messenger access for better compliance

    10 weeks of life-changing knowledge and actional health steps via a secure online portal

    LIFETIME access to the online programme and lifetime access

  • Fertility

    Sleep Disorders

    Gut Health

    Pregnancy & Postnatal Care

    Women’s Health

    Autoimmune Conditions

    Metabolic Health

  • Qualifications:

    Functional Medicine Practitioner (IFMCP)

    Pharmacist (MPHARM, MPhil)

    Health Coach (FMCHC)


    Member of Institute of Functional Medicine

  • All services are offered online.

  • Amal offers 1:1 consultations and group programmes at varying prices. Her signature ReThink ReWire ReSet group programme is priced at £2,000. Please enquire for more details.

  • English and Arabic

As a certified Functional Medicine Practitioner, Health Coach, and  Pharmacist, Amal is passionate about health and wellness.

Through her own journey of battling ME/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, she learned the value of root cause diagnosis, lifestyle medicine & mindset in reversing disease. It wasn’t until she was crippled with unexplained fatigue in her late 20s that she thought something had to change. Not being able to find answers through conventional routes, she began to research functional medicine and it transformed her health! 

Amal obtained her MPhram degree from Nottingham University and furthered her studies in biotechnology at the University of Cambridge. Having worked from bench to bedside and consulted on some of the top selling brands in Pharma, Amal quickly understood that we run a sick care system based on disease management rather than health creation. Moreover, through her own journey of a myriad of chronic disorders, she leaned first hand the value of root cause diagnosis, lifestyle medicine & mindset in reversing disease.

“Practicing Functional Medicine and seeing the incredible outcomes our health participants have, gives me the most meaningful career and deeps sense of fulfilment I could ever ask for.”

Amal has been trained and mentored by some of the top physicians in the functional medicine space. She is an avid learner with a deep desire to engage, educate and empower everyone to gain agency over their body, mind and health.


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