A modern guide that helps you navigate the world of holistic healthcare, easily online.

How it works

Find expert acupuncturists, osteopaths, functional medicine doctors, reflexologists and craniosacral therapists based on your specific needs.

Find a practitioner

Browse our selection of vetted practitioners and search based on locations, treatment types and specialty.

Request a booking

Send a booking request with your personal preferences for time, date and location.

Confirm your booking

Your chosen practitioner will contact you to answer any questions you might have and confirm your booking

Enjoy your treatment

Attend the session to start your healing journey, with Circe’s guidance on your side.

What others are saying:

“So simple, straightforward, and fantastic practitioners.” George

“Circe takes trial and error out of the equation when looking for a treatment that will work for you.” Olivia

“Knowing about Circe’s expertise made it so easy to land on a practitioner who could help with my exact issue.” — Marie

“It’s amazing having a platform where I know everyone listed is trustworthy.” — Lauren

Request a match

We know finding the right practitioner and treatment can be difficult. It’s as personal as the personalised medicine you're looking for. But don't worry, we're here to support you.

At Circe, we use our knowledge and experience in holistic healthcare to match you with a practitioner and treatment type based on your specific needs.

Learn from holistic health experts, instead of random websites.

Looking for more information on a treatment or health condition? Browse through The Journal to read articles that are co-created with Circe’s expert practitioners.